Thursday, October 4, 2012

crystals of discontent

This is a project I worked on mainly in August. To understand what's going on, you might have to read the text on the web page. Be very curious how you guys respond to this kind of work ~

boundary layer

Something from the last couple of days~

Excavating seas and skies from copies of National Geographic to create a synthetic view of ocean, air, and it reciprocal blueness. In between lies everything else we bring to that - metaphorically and materially (a la the Great Pacific Garbage Patch).

I think this is 24" x 36"

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Domestic Arts Catalog

A new series looks at re-making domestic versions of well-known art works, as the chance presents itself.  Below are a couple examples, but for full context you should visit the site and read the text as well.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Fire Aflame

I was inspired by an art award call for ephemeral art to try some now things out. This piece is called Flame Afalme / the representational alchemy of otherwise seamless moments.

You can view this as animation in full HERE.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Oceans Anywhere

Hi all, 

I am working on a new piece I am thinking might be called "Oceans Anywhere."  Below is the documentation:

We hear many things, and occasionally listen to some. Mostly it is about the things were are expecting like people's words, or not at all expecting like sirens.

And we place all sorts of things up against our heads. We nuzzle their electricity to our warm ears with endless telling and singing. But the ocean is anywhere you want it to be. If you walk through the city with shells and invite people to listen, many will. Close your eyes. Try it in stereo. The ocean was one of the early sounds, long before any thing was alive to listen.  

Friday, August 31, 2012

Deer Me

As some of you know, I have an interest in a constellation of ideas around the questions of looking, seeing, perception, and the nature of visual patterns generally in terms of how we make sense of the world.

I was reading here and there and came across a passage that really struck me on these very questions.  The book, called The Mountains, was written by some fellow named Stewart Edward White in 1906.

It motivated me to do a piece I am tentatively calling "You Too Will See, Dear."

It is  a web piece (found here) but could exist in other formats as well?  Either way,  it would need to include Stewart;s text, and then the images (below) which I am collecting from the internet.  The web formatted piece includes the photo titles and source URLs:

"His attention stops on the unusual, just as does your; only in his case the unusual is not the obvious. He has succeeded by long training in eliminating that. Therefore he sees deer where you do not. As soon as you can forget the naturally obvious and construct and artificial obvious, then you too will see deer."
- Stewart Edward White, The Mountains,, 1906.